Wednesday Webinar: Supporting Prison Educators in Lockdown and Beyond, with UCU

Home > Wednesday Webinar: Supporting Prison Educators in Lockdown and Beyond, with UCU

12 May 2021

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In this webinar we explored how the prison sector should adapt – during and following lockdown – to support its education staff.

In conversation with Marianne Quick, Bargaining and Negotiations Official (Prisons and Sustainability) at the University and College Union, we discovered how she and her colleagues have been advocating for prison educators throughout lockdown.




With a multitude of prison educator attendees sharing an insight into their experiences, we learned what changes those providing education would like to see during and following the pandemic. Highlighting examples of good practice, Marianne discussed with attendees how the sector must adapt and innovate to successfully support prison educators.

Key points of discussion included: the limited career development and progression opportunities; the decolonisation of the curriculum; the implementation of technology for education delivery; and the evolution of prison educator training.


Links discussed and shared by attendees:

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